
Grace Notes: Waterfront Service this Sunday
Grace Notes

September 6, 2024

Beloved of Grace,

What an exciting weekend we have-- the Service and Picnic at the Hastings Waterfront is this Sunday-- join us at the waterfront at 10 am.
We will have our nursery director, Gloria, and our new Director of Children and Youth Ministry, Michelle, at the waterfront. Please bring your family, and this is a great time to invite your neighbors or friends to Grace!
Please see our construction updates and garden updates below.
See you all Sunday, at the River!


The Rev. Lauren Kuratko 
Rector of Grace Church

Our annual Waterfront Service is this Sunday, September 8th!
Our annual Waterfront Service is this Sunday, September 8th at 10 am.
Join us at the Hastings Waterfront (not Grace) this Sunday. Address is: 100 River St, Hastings-On-Hudson, NY 10706
Harvest on Hudson has asked us to not park in their reserved spaces.
Remember to bring:
* Yourself, your family
* A blanket or chair if you'd like to sit
* A side to share
* A neighbor or friend

Alicia Sweitzer, Junior Warden
Rest eternal grant to Ginger Stillman
We are saddened to inform you all that Ginger Stillman died last week. Please keep David and the entire Stillman family in your prayers. Her funeral is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 13th at 1pm at Grace Church, with a reception to follow in the parish hall.
The service will be live streamed HERE. More details in the weeks to come.

Let us pray: 
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant, Ginger. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive her into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
Construction Update
Excellent news! The Undercroft is finished. Thank you for your donations, and your patience during construction. Look at how wonderful this space is now :)
Pollinator Project Update
We made good progress on the pollinator garden this summer. After sketching out a plan with help from the Hastings Pollinator Pathways, we tilled and fertilized the soil, removed the rocks and planted about 25% of the plants. We have purchased another 50% of the plants, and we will plant them this weekend. The remaining plants we will plant in the coming weeks. When there is not a lot of rain, like this week, we have had to water the plants frequently. Thankfully, the hose from Lauren's house reaches about halfway to the garden, and we have buckets to carry the water the rest of the way.

Hannah and Siri Lambert, Pollinator Project 
Meet Michelle Guena, our new Director of Children and Youth Ministry
Michelle was born and raised in Westchester. She graduated from Iona College in 2012 with a BA in Mass Communications, and began managing a photography studio, but soon realized that her passion for working with and for children was stronger than her passion for Communications, and began working at the Goddard School in Hastings while studying for her CDA. In 2016, she married her college sweetheart, Jesse, and began working at The Child Care Council of Westchester. Her most important job is currently being a full time stay at home mom to her three children Liliana(5), Casiano(3) and Giulia(1) but in her “spare” hours she works part time as a Data Specialist for CCCW, while running her own freelance photography business. She is excited to begin teaching again at Grace and hopes to bring connection, humor, and fun to the classroom. 
Send us your AGM Photographs! 
As we prepare for the 30th Anniversary celebration of our Alternative Gift Market, we are putting together a special tribute to all who founded or have volunteered at our AGM's over the years. Please dig through your photo albums and files and send us your AGM photos...the older the better. 

Three ways to get them to us:
  1. Mail your photos or drop them off between 9:30am - 2:30pm: Grace Church Office, 78 Main Street, Hastings-on-Hudson 
  2. Bring your photos to: Sunday Coffee Hour @ 11am after Service every Sunday
  3. Send digital images to:  

We can't wait to see your AGM photo treasures and will return all original photos to you.

Eileen Charles, AGM Committee

Links this week at Grace:

Sunday, September 8th, Zoom Worship service at 9am 
The bulletin for Sunday is HERE.

Wednesday, September 11th, Bible Study & Spiritual Discussion at Noon 


Bible Study:

The reading for Wednesday's Bible Study is HERE.

Click HERE and HERE for Bible study commentaries.

Want to give to Grace Church? Scan the QR code or give via
Sunday (9/8) - Zoom Service @ 9am
                     Lector: Tanya Kersten

Sunday (9/8) In-person Worship 10:00am     
                 Altar Guild: David Agosto
                   Usher: Marcia Brewster

                   Lectors: Marcia Brewster, David Agosto
                   Chalice Bearer: Anthony Johnson
                   Counters: Off this week
                    Picnic Coordinator: Alicia Sweitzer
Bible Study & Spiritual Discussion: Wednesday September 11th @ Noon 

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